qlik sense get field selections. 0: Updated: 1. qlik sense get field selections

0: Updated: 1qlik sense get field selections  chart

It needs a comma separated list with single quotes for each value not defining the ends of the list. In this blog, I will discuss the following selection options you may find in a. In this example, the first step is to create a list object which contains one field (the field: Country). what would be the set analysis for ignoring the selection made in. Unlike a bookmark, there is no option to clear the selection. Try the following code to get the first values from a field =SubField(Concat(DISTINCT Field, ','), ',', 1) Change the 1 to 2 to get the second value, and so on. Your guidance is highly appreciated. get possible values from the field selection. Listbox properties panel for a single listbox in a. If i test it by this expression the chart shows the correct data:app. some thing like GetFieldSelections (<State1> Field1) is not possible in Qlikview 11. Add a field to the filter pane to create a new listbox for that field. Click the field you want to use to create a measure. Hi, in the app, I have multiple fields as filters. It needs a comma separated list with single quotes for each value not defining the ends of the list. I looked at your data model, the field "Flag_MaxSimID" is defined in the table FormsPriceSim, but this table is. And also I'm using getfieldselection function, to select startmonth only for the selected endmonth. I found the solution and want to present it to whomever it might find useful: First set up a dynamic variable which reads in the selection from Field A in alternate stat 1 with GetFieldSelection (): Next, whenever a selection on Field A is made it should trigger the following: Martin. Let's say you have a field containing cities. In Selections, you can clear a selection in a field by clicking . You can even make use of this code to get all the current selections: var currentSelection = App. Kushal_Chawda. QlikView will for all purposes regard the field as a numeric field. Otherwise associated (white) values are counted. script. 1. I've tried the following formulas. Reply. I have created a filter with "Time" as dimension and the possible values that "Time" can assume are: "Year","Month","Week". 0: Updated: 1. 2018-04-12 12:08 PM if Statement based on possible field selection Hello, I am trying to create an if expression that considers the possibility of a field being selected. But they don't work. GetFieldSelections () returns a string with the current selections in a field. The Windows Checkboxes style mimics the standard Windows interface with a check box. the easiest option would be to type in the search text in the filter pane and the hit "enter" to select all the entries which match the search term. Hello, I am trying to create an if expression that considers the possibility of a field being selected. To specify a new line, set record_sep to chr (13)&chr (10). The output value should only reflect for the selections made on the year column. If you're not too attached to GetFieldSelections (), you could also use Concat () instead, since that allows for sorting. It is possible to query an alternate state. Syntax: GetCurrentField (group_name)Return data type: string Arguments: group_name: The name of the group to be evaluated. GetFieldSelections () only shows values if selections have actually been made on the field. qlik sense. One field value can be selected for a field. @eliezer7 Qlik sense doesn't support field event triggers. It is included in Dashboard bundle. See the documentation of the. Is it possible to use a function to make a selection from a field? I have a variable v. Using GetFieldSelections (KPI_Description) I get Margin. Use variable here try dynamically store the SalesBookUsage value in the variable and then use it here in the variable. There are couple of methods: 1. If you select all values and the count of. An alternative is to use =Max (Year). One issue with this method is that you have to have the caption visible, and with some design standards, that is not possible. I have used. 2018-08-22 11:52 AM. Blog Extending Qlik. This field is used for selecting the fields to be shown in the table (see below) Now I have a table, with 3 columns: Selected_Filed1, Selected_Filed2 and the third one that I'm asking help for. The second argument would be -Period so that it inverts the rows by period and takes the first (actually most recent) period. In GetFieldSelections, when you get above a certain number of selections,. The Qlik Cloud connector has the following blocks which can be used for selections: • Select Field Value. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. But if th. the "Selections" screen or smart search or current selections, they will be able to select multiple values or no values at all. I am currently reloading the large dataset and will try your solution. However, when using this in a JavaScript to export via a post, it seems the exported string does not contain all. selectMatch(menuCountryName, false); } } I have a drop down list of countries (in jQueryUI) and the user can select a country from the list. Total. It is possible to query an alternate state. Examples. Examples and results: The following example uses two fields loaded to different filter panes, one for name and one for. I have a master calendar and an assoicated table full of sales values. once selection is made Qlik will filter all objects in the app (not only the session. But not working. The concat function will result in 'value1','value2'. Let's say that you want to add France to the actual selection. and shows the. YearMonth]), it appears to return a text value, and not a date one. Fixed record data files contain a single table in which each record (row of data) contains a number of columns with a fixed field size, usually padded with spaces or tab characters. GetFieldSelections ( [Mat Date] ) >= Today ( ) it works good. You can search selection items in the selection bar, and within visualizations such as filter panes and tables. The value appears as a tab in the top toolbar. qlik sense. The general idea is: make selection in the required field (select the value (s) you need) create hypercube (session object) with required fields (you can create table in the UI if you want/can and use it as a data placeholder) "ask" Qlik to send you the data. then you could just have it auto join the model on "Regional Sales Mgr" and use the new feild "Regional Sales Mgr Name 2" in your chart. set analysis. 2. Normally, when you make a selection, aggregation functions, such as Sum, Max, Min, Avg, and Count aggregate over the selections that you have made: the current selections. GetFieldSelections. If you have real dates in your data - it is much easier to perform time period analysis as we have tools and an engine that. The initial data fetch () is made of the first 5 lines ( is 5) starting from the top (. Click. 0 Likes. Check if it Helps You in anyway. Fields ( "My Calendar field" ). Select In Field. How to disable this item, while still allowing. i discovered qliksense desktop yesterday. table. Qlik Sense extensions, mashups, integrations and APIs. Clear the selections in all fields except the current field; Clear the selections in a visualization; Clear the selections of a specific field; Enter and exit the selection mode; Get the current selections; Invert the current selections; Select all possible values of a field; Select all possible values of a list object; Select all values of a fieldHi All, I need to concat startmonth column grouped by Id column. In general, GetCurrentSelections () function returns a list of the current selections in the app. 2011-02-15 06:49 AM. As you type your search string, Qlik Sense filters the field values and displays the matching items. . Hi everyone, I am trying to find a way of getting all selections made in a field. This should work I think: =If ( Match ( logmonth , $ (=Chr (39) & GetFieldSelections (DueMonth, Chr (39)&','&Chr (39), 12) & Chr (39) ) ), logmonth ) The entire expression between $ ( and the next to last ) will be evaluated and the result will be put into the outer expression. GetExcludedCount (Initials) = 0. Is there anyone could give me some hint? Expression: IF (GETFIELDSELECTIONS (YEAR)=0, $ (vLASTYEAR), $ (vCURRENTYEAR)) The. qlik sense. As mentioned the getfieldselections () function returns values with a '$ (=GetFieldSelections (BU))' will result in 'value1,value2' which set analysis can't use. I need to get a date value to use the selected date. The following formula works. (what ever your dimension field is. //IF(GetFieldSelections(WK) = - 922081Get field selection expression does not recognize assembled field name Hi, Does any know what the below expression isn't working. - Add Sheet To Report 4: in each iteration. This window remains on top of every sheet and helps keeping track of the selection status in the document. In order to select a value from a field, simply click the value. List Boxes can be created with DIMENSION fields and MEASURE fields. I have tried to do this using a WildMatch, but it is c. When I select 'A' or 'B' or both, correct value is obtained. If Get Current Selection = this, exclude this. Set Analysis with current selection. is a logical expression that can sometimes be very complex. getfieldselections in calculated dimension. I am using Qlik Sense 3. ). GetFieldSelections () usando valores não selecionados. In response to Newbie777. Syntax:. (Before you wonder why I am doing this: It is used for a Special Business case where I need to compare two Fact Tables which cannot be linked due to insufficient Key Fields)app. If the selections are instead made using a search string in a search box, GetCurrentSelections () returns the search string. pivot table. Sum ( {1<Year = {$ (=max (Year)-1)}>} [Sales]) The only problem is that the '1' causes ALL selections to be ignored. set analysis. . PVC_date is not related to the other fields. didn't work. Check attached document for solution. 2. copying mass selections from one field to another Use the AGGR Function with one dimension to create a on-demand cube (a "vector" of values), and pass this to the target field. Syntax: GetCurrentSelections ( [record_sep [, tag_sep [, value_sep [, max_values [, state_name]]]]]) Return data type: string. Resident t1; Now, creating chart function works fine: =aggr (max ( {<Dim= {'$ (=GetfFeldSelections (DimSelect))'}>} Val), Id) However, I would like to have this chart. Additional info: selectedddate and recorddate are not linked together - there's no association between them. Syntax: GetSelectedCount (field_name [, include_excluded])Return data type: integer Arguments: field_name: The field containing the range of data to be measured. New Sheet Object>Button>Actions>Add>Selection>Select Exclude. For example if we want to know selection made in a field which has an alternative state and have. GetFieldSelections () returns a string with the current selections in a field. 2015-12-28 05:44 AM. Qlik sense - Get selected id in custom exception. Post. If you have made a selection in f1, there is only one possible value of f2, one value will be white (possible) in a list box for f2. Sharma, I'm assuming you have the triggers sorted for the removal of selections but for the 're-selection' of a previous value I'd suggest looking at Set Analysis - the often ignored use of Set Analysis: =sum ( {$1}Sales) will give you the Sales based on your previous selection, =sum ( {$2}Sales) will give. Once you have made a. GetCurrentSelections - chart function. values from "Carrier_Filter " will be selected by user and the above measure works for selections. QlikView supports a number of different ways of presenting field values and making selections in list boxes, charts and other objects. field("English short name"). For each selected field is given: the name of the field;I guess create a KPI object with GetFieldSelections (Ano) to see if it show anything (make sure you set custom format to see the text values, else KPI object might just show -. 2. 1 Solution. Set analysis offers a way of defining a set (or group) of data values that is different from the normal set defined by the current selections. filter. GetCurrentSelections () returns the current selections in the document. QlikView App Dev. // you will get the field name in this variable Console. All forum topics. Create a new table in the script with a new field that you'll use as Dimension. Text search is the main search method you can use in Qlik Sense. When a larger number of values is selected the format 'x of y values' will be used instead. I want to display the selections but only of a certain source, like KPI_Source = 'SAP'. 1 Solution jpar0511 Contributor III 2017-04-07 06:53 AM The problem is that in standard Qlikview is showing a maximum of 6 Values in a text-box. Click the toolbar to close the selections tool. Use the drop-down on each function to see a brief description and the syntax of each function. In the datamodel, have a field Shadow with 2 values - PF and SPN. Also try GetSelectedCount (Ano) may be that one works, if it does, you can use that. Example: If the user selects Margin, Sales, and Customer in the field KPI_Description, I want to get Margin, Sales from this function. . I am trying to use the GetFieldSelections with the "Select in Field" Action to Trigger a selection in another Dimension with exactly the same values. Set bookmark for the specific selection. it will evaluate and use the output value as dimension, it does the selection for that field only. Use GetField to get a field object, then there are some different methods: SelectValues if you have the exact value. How do I make my analysis ignore the year selection but use the. I have created a filter with "Time" as dimension and the possible values that "Time" can assume are: "Year","Month","Week". And also I'm using getfieldselection function, to select startmonth only for the selected endmonth. From the help: getselectedcount (FieldName [, IncludeExcluded [, State]]) Returns the current number of selected values in a field. 3. Miguel Angel Baeyens. elements to the set modifiers as necessary in order to keep even more fields consistent between states. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Click Edit sheet. Hi, I'm using following expression to show only such ProductNames for which the CategoryName has been selected within filter pane "CategoryName": =aggr (only ( {<CategoryName= {'$ (=GetFieldSelections (CategoryName))'}>} ProductName), ProductName) But it doesn't. It worked, but wasn't pretty. Four fields contain selections. This is to only make fields starting with XXXX filterable. The values are separated with value_sep as delimiter. GetFieldSelections with multiple values. Late response to the thread but I finally found out the correct syntax for "escaping" field values, which is square brackets. In this example, the first step is to create a list object which contains one field (the field: Country). Eventually merge them togheter and create a simple filter (select Box or multiple selection box), Then the trigger need to call the select Value methos on all the surce app selectValues method ‒ Qlik Sense . SELECT * FROM `Categories`; SELECT `Category ID`, `Category Name` FROM `Categories`; SELECT `Order ID`,. The results are based on field associations. I tried with/without '2022', but still didn't work. I have an Stored procedure in My SQL Server which I want to execute in Qlikview , I need to pass the value to the stored procedure by selecting on the field in Qlikview upon which I need to reload the data to get the values returned by the proc. Implicit field value definitions in Qlik Sense Set Analysis. Document Properties -> Triggers -> Field Event Triggers -> Select Field -> On Select Add Action -> Add -> Selection -> Select in Field. Please help how to get. But the selections can happen only within the filters on the chart. Create a list object with identifier . To specify a new line set record_sep to chr (13)&chr (10). Tags: greater than. Thanks Sunny_talwar, your second solution makes sense. this value should not change even if i select any other list boxes in the sheet (like: Month, Quarter, Name, etc. In my actual data, there are many more values, and there might be a large amount of selections. Example 2: John selected in First. Field functions either return integers or strings identifying different aspects of field selections. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The preview opens. Search is not case sensitive. Thanks. GetSheetObject ("Products") valProduct = ProObject. Clear the selections in all fields except the current field; Clear the selections in a visualization; Clear the selections of a specific field; Enter and exit the selection mode; Get the current selections; Invert the current selections; Select all possible values of a field; Select all possible values of a list object; Select all values of a fieldClear the selections in all fields except the current field; Clear the selections in a visualization; Clear the selections of a specific field; Enter and exit the selection mode; Get the current selections; Invert the current selections; Select all possible values of a field; Select all possible values of a list object; Select all values of a field1 Solution. In our example we will have a selection for initial product (s), AND product (s) and AND NOT products. 2013-05-21 01:01 AM. If you're not too attached to GetFieldSelections (), you could also use Concat () instead, since that allows for sorting. 3. date. Hi @ZuzJsk007 . GetField ("<YourField>") set fldVal = fld. Sum ( { [Sub] < [Count A] = [Main] [Count A]?>} [Budget Value] ) Ditto - same here!This should work I think: =If( Match( logmonth , $(= Chr(39) & GetFieldSelections(DueMonth, Chr(39)&','&Chr(39),12) & Chr(39) )), logmonth ) The entire expression between $( and the next to last ) will be evaluated and the result will be put into the outer expression verbatim and then the rest of the outer expression will be evaluated. Return data type: GetPossibleCount. autoCalendar. field("English short name"). Date 2 (Closed Date) Date (selected date in UI) Status. It won't show anything if you've not made any selections on the field. GetSheetObject ("Products") valProduct = ProObject. View solution in original post. The data is a Fiscal Year column and if a 2015 value is selected in a filter I need to see only Fiscal Years that are greater than or equal to 2015. When using a MEASURE field in a List Box expression, the aggr () function should be used to show the aggregated value of the MEASURE field with a DIMENSION field. Check if it Helps You in anyway. Returns a string with the current selections in a field. Hey everyone, i'm in trouble with getfieldselection() function. Field functions. I can get the selected value of f1-field through getfieldselections('f1') function. Hot Network Questions does "until now" always imply that the action is finished? Parsing gateway ip from `/proc/net/route` in a docker container Olive Garden: "The cheese keeps coming 'til you. Note: when I use the variable, field names are within single quotes. Text = "<YourSelectionValue>". Array of qFieldValues to select. = ' (' & Date($ (vReportDate)) & '|' & Date($ (vReportDateP1)) &')'. For instance : I have a table chart with columns - salesperson, address, - 1839619. Hi, I think the problem is that Compteur is a string field and you are trying to cast the string to a number by using $(#=) the pound sign before the equal sign, hence the expression should work written like this:Hi Everyone, i have two alternative state: DataStart and DataEnd i would like to create a condition that show my table only if the same year is selected, so i triedGetFieldSelections(Year(YearMonthOrder),False(),'DataStart') =GetFieldSelections(Year(YearMonthOrder),False(),'DataEnd') But this d. 1 Solution. getfieldselections ( FieldName [, ValueSep [, MaxValues]]) Returns a string with the current selections in a field. Getting exactly three values, sorted by an expression, is doable, though if there are ties you may not get the results you expect. , you can clear a selection in a field by clicking . GetFieldSelections ( field_name [, value_sep [, max_values [, state_name]]]) If the number of selected values is max_values or less, the string returned is a list of the selected. GetFieldSelections () only shows values if selections have actually been made on the field. Note: when I use the variable, field names are within single quotes. filter. Obrigado. I tried adding my initial expression after yours with a +. 3,105 Views. Still, if you have any questions related to Qlik Sense Field Functions. Hi, I am learning about the field function getfieldselections, here at the Qlik page: - 1880939I don't think we have function like that , you need to make use of multiple getfieldselection () function to achieve this but having the field name with the selection is more informative rite ?? because if 2 fields have similar values then without the field name , end user might get confused in which field he has made the selection. GetPossibleCount () For fields with selections, GetPossibleCount () returns the number of selected (green) fields. GetFieldselections not working with AND Condition with different dimensions =If(GetFieldSelections(Crop)='Tomato' and GetFieldSelections(Species)='Tomato',1,0) Field functions. // you will get the field name in this variable Console. Each alternative state have its own date filter ( MonthYear). I hope someone can help. YearMonth] The thing is, if I use GetFieldSelections([DocDate. If all but two, or all but one of the values are selected, the format ' NOT x,y ' or ' NOT y ' will be used respectively. 5. It is possible to query an alternate state. GetFieldSelections, GetPossibleCount will not take parameter as Alternative states. sense. CountriesFilter: =Concat (DISTINCT chr (39)&CountryToLoad&chr (39),',') In this way, I can select multiple values of the Country field based on another field without being even connected. PS: Mark this post as solution, to avoid others spending time on your post to answer it. 2020-01-31 10:09 AM. Hi, I'm using following expression to show only such ProductNames for which the CategoryName has been selected within filter pane "CategoryName": =aggr (only ( {<CategoryName= {'$ (=GetFieldSelections (CategoryName))'}>} ProductName), ProductName) But it doesn't work when I select more. Get the current selections by using the GetLayout method on a session object in which qSelectionObjectDef is defined. 1. here "Products" is Chart Id of listbox, and in valProduct you get the Array of All the Possible Values. Preciso que a variável retorne "OUT, NOV, DEZ" sem o NOT. Tags. Fortunately there are already some solutions been discussed and documented here in the community, like: Ignore all selections except some specific fields using Set Analysis which is very helpful. In response to. Use the drop-down on each function to see a brief description and the syntax of each function. If I select less values say 2005-2008, GetFieldSelections(Year) will return all the years with , delimited. sense. Personally I would prefer using GetFieldSelections () for a limited number of fields, as it might be easy to format. You can do it within the expressions, but it makes more sense to fix it on the script level. 20 version of the Personal Edition. For example, if you add two filter panes, one with. Managing data. Is it possible to have a set analysis which uses GetFieldSelections but if nothing is selected it includes all options. Using GetFieldSelections in an expression. If you have locked a selection and then try to select excluded field values, the selection item will flash to indicate that the locked selection prevents the selection from being made. The last step is to check the layout of the list object in order to see the selected values. 2023-07-11 03:45 AM. If Change=+10 and Month='Aug', The [Value] for Aug increases by 10%. qlik sense. so my set analysis etc is pretty basic. If options are used, you will need to specify record_sep. The user should use the calendar object to select a desired date and then click the button to apply the filters. So when the user selects Quarter=1 or Month=January, it doesn't cascade through. Now what I need is, my bar graph should show only for months (due month), for which user selects in list box (created. Hello, I have a question about ignoring a particular filter selection, Lets say that i have a simple calculated table like this: TimeStamp (Atucalendar driven) ID Value1 Value 2 calculated value 1. Another field called "DimSelect" used in the set analysis later and refered to by the GetFieldSelections expression is created by ->. If we are searching the value "*rcs*" on "ABC. 1. Click Advanced options. I've added another list box so a second Forecast Type can be selected. You can get this higher using the following paramenter: = '"' & Replace ( GetFieldSelections (Subregion2,',',10), ', ' , '","' ) & '"' You might need to adjust the behaviour of "". It is possible to query an alternate state. select in field. Now I want to be able to select multiple Months and change the graph accordingly. In this file i have worksheet "calendrier" wich contains : date(dd-mm-yyyy) / year / month . The results are based on field associations. Hi All, I need to concat startmonth column grouped by Id column. Thanks, Haneesh1 Reply. In this example, the first step is to create a list object which contains one field (the field: Country ). When a larger number of values is selected the format 'x of y values' will be used instead. Mike Tarallo used getfieldselections in his expression. sense. In addition to the fields extracted from the data source, system fields are also produced by. The following set statement is successful if I only select ONE value from my Occupation filter: count ( {<Occupation = {"$ (=GetFieldSelections (Occupation,','))"}>}EMPLOYEE_COUNTER) However, if I select more than one value. or if not the origin field should be used for the selections a second independent field from an island-table might be applied. 4. - Lock Selections For Field: Fruit. Hi, i have a calender script and the field "Year". Em 28 de ago de 2018, à(s) 09:02, sebastiao fogaça <qcwebmaster@qlikview. In the Current Selections window, selections are listed by field name and field value. The default is ', '. It works in Qlik Sense too: I add the field year in the expression of the calculated dimension YEAR : = If(Year = salesYear and Year = priceYear and Year = Year, Year) When I select 2015 in the calculated dimension, The three other take automaticly the same value: GetFieldSelections()returns a stringwith the current selections in a field. Fast way to get all table and field names from an app. If all but two, or all but one of the values are selected, the format 'NOT x,y' or 'NOT y' will be used respectively. - chart function. I will check the results when other selections are applied to see if those are ignore or not. Or if it's several values you can use. 2021-03-05 03:32 PM. Partner - Contributor III ‎2021-01-13 06:53 AM. EndDate. The user can select several KPI's with fieldname KPI_Description. You can use the Period field to make selections in and the appropriate Month values will be used in calculations. The expression or field containing the data to be measured. That means that, when you don't have anything selected in field "CustomerID" then all CustomerID values are possible, and hence this function will return all of them, while GetFieldSelections will not. 2014-09-12 11:02 AM. Ditto - same here!Clear the selections in all fields except the current field; Clear the selections in a visualization; Clear the selections of a specific field; Enter and exit the selection mode; Get the current selections; Invert the current selections; Select all possible values of a field; Select all possible values of a list object; Select all values of a fieldIn this example, there are two list objects, one with the field Country and one with the field City. Expected Result: ID. Kind Regards. White cells represent optional field values. SelectedContainer, I would like to select a value from field Chart based on the selected variable. To set the selected value you can do something like this: set fld = ActiveDocument. IF (LEFT (FIELD,4) = 'xxxx', FIELD,NULL ()) I then would like to use the GetfieldSelections () Function to identify what one has been selected. On your screenshot, the MonthYear field is left-aligned, as text aligned by default. Wildcard search. Qlik Application Automation; Catalog and Lineage;Click a selection item, and in the selection pop-up, type your search string. Use GetSelectedCount for checking if there is a selection active for Designation. if you hit the >> within the seach text you get an expanded search box which means 'associative search'. GetCurrentSelections () returns a list of the current selections in the app. But what about if i need to interpret 2 selections of. Use the drop-down on each function to see a brief description and the syntax of each function. How can I resolve this problem. Partner - Champion III. 2017-05-19 04:14 PM. Do you have some additional information on what it is exactly that you are trying to do? Hi I need to add if then and else condition for a complex query in set analysis of qlikview along with getfield selection in it. If a selection is made successfully, this block will return. However, now I need to add an additional field selections for year and it doesn't work. I add the field year in the expression of the calculated dimension YEAR : = If (Year = salesYear and Year = priceYear and Year = Year, Year) When I select 2015 in the calculated dimension, The three other take automaticly the same value: But I agree with other, that it would be better to use only one field Year in. Didn't pay attention to the "one month selection part" ; But even in this case, with concat it should work for one or different Months selection while I'm not that sure It would work with GetFieldSelections(Month) if more than one month is selected. Use quotation marks, wildcards, and modifiers to search for values in a field. Field); 29m ago. fldVal (0). If I understand correctly, GetSelectedCount () works only for expressions, that reurn field. GaryGiles. GaryHi, I need to create a filter that will be able to select options within a list. Selections made with DIMENSION fields in a List Box generate SQL queries on the data source to. I want to put only 1 field into my worksheet to select a year. Ditto - same here! 1,258 Views 0 Likes Reply. My report was little bigger so unable to use N number of alternate states because of performance issue. Example: If the user selects Margin, Sales, and Customer in the field KPI_Description, I want to get Margin, Sales from this function. But if department A is selected then the average sale changes to 8$ because there are only 125 with sales in the period. And also rest of selections shoul. Type the name of the field for the selection in the Field box. Name values should be displayed according to the language but the for each language there are multiple names (possible values) and the. Region is locked. }) I am able to get the qSelectionObject and from that I can get the qSelectedFieldSelectionInfo array. Select all the values of the list object. My expression/s (tried) seem to exclude everything else too. 1 Solution. 2. Try this: Concat (distinct [Demographics], ',') This will store all selected values in a comma-separated string array. This will always return exactly one value. If you select all values and the count of all values is greater than max_values, the text ALL will be returned. Select if you want to use wildcards etc. qlik. I want to show the dates selected in a report but when I put the selections in the report it show 11 of 45 for months.